Aubrey Plaza - Hot Video: Prom Date with Jason Bateman and Will Arnett

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Aubrey Plaza in The Prom Date (with Jason Bateman and Will Arnett)


Orbit Dirty Shorts presents, 'The Prom Date' - the first of a new web content series from Orbit gum that highlights unusually dirty situations and how Orbit cleans it up. In 'The Prom Date' see what happens when Jason Bateman and Will Arnett take on the dirty world of student and teacher dating - and how the parents of the student involved react.

Will Arnett and Jason Bateman unveiled the first digital short from their production company DumbDumb and Ben Silverman’s Electus.

“The Prom Date,” starring Arnett, Bateman, Rachael Harris, and Aubrey Plaza, tells the story of two parents (Bateman and Harris) getting their daughter ready for her senior prom. Of course, she’s not going with just some boy, she’s going with Skip, her soulmate, a word that strikes fear in the hearts of many a parent. Bateman’s wary of Skip’s intentions, commenting on how boys these days “know how to act all polite, and before you know it they’ve got their Facebook all up in your Twitter.”


Okay, so here's the video we were talking about earlier (that Aubrey mentioned). This is hilarious! They're all at the top of their games, and I have to say that I think this is one of the best commercials ever. It's funny, it keeps reminding you of the product in ways that you don't mind (putting the product into the plot), and it features known actors.

It's really a win win. Jason and Will make some money for their online commercial company, Orbit gets eyes on their product, and the actors inject new life into their careers because it's such a hilarious and well-viewed short (currently over 300,000 on two YT vids, and it's pretty new).

So "get his facebook all up in your twitter" is a great line. So is "I once had a soulmate... My sole purpose was to mate with her." And Justin Bateman saying "I had a soulmate once..." turning to his wife, "Did you meet Karen?" Classic!!!

So I think Jason Bateman is the true humor here, but Will's sleezeball is funny in its own way as well.

And finally, It Builds Character found a great catch (in the comments). I was wondering why they said they were out of gum when they clearly were not, and that became a bit of a side plot when Jason found the last piece of gum. So why didn't he just take one from the pack to give Will?

Basically, the mom and dad (Jason and Rachael) didn't put the gum in their mouths yet when they told Will that they were out. That's significant, because they were not yet transformed into their moral selves. So that's why they lied and said they were out of gum. They didn't want to share their gum with the man they hated. But after they chewed their gum, they became moral, and thus, Jason wanted to give Will that piece of gum (probably not understanding the bonus side effect, that Will would also then become moral with their daughter).

Thanks to It Builds Character for the catch!



  1. They hadn't put the gum in their mouth yet when they told Will Arnett that they were out...they didn't want to give gum to a pedo taking out their daughter until after they started chewing it.

  2. Nice catch! I didn't catch that they hadn't put the gum in their mouths yet. Thanks!

    - TAE


So, what do you think?